



Experimental freeze dryer上海共和真空技術有限公司


Besides the pharmaceutical grade lyophilizer, Shanghai Kyowa also develops and produces the food grade one. Japanese Kyowa is the big food grade lyophilizer supplier in Japan, and the sole company which can produce the machine with the single cylinder’s capacity of 330M2. For more than 50 years, Japanese Kyowa has supplied their products to more than 200 food enterprises with the total useful area for 16000 M2.


Shanghai Kyowa, introduced the Japanese updated technology, developed DGS series experimental lyophilizer.

  • 質量保證

    Quality assurance

    DGS系列試驗機採用了和DG系列醫藥生產用的大型凍乾機相同的生產標準和技術要求,為了使得在試驗機上的凍乾試驗結果能夠被完整地放大到實際生產的大型機上,DGS系列的主要部件,均採用了與DG系列醫藥生產用凍乾機相同的進口零部件,包括日本共和真空技術 (株)“三重熱交換板式冷凝器”、開度調節機等核心專利技術產品。

    DGS series experimental machine adopts the same producing standard and technical requirement as the pharmaceutical grade large lyophilizer. The main components of the DGS series adopt the same imported components as the DG series pharmaceutical grade lyophilizer, including the “triple heat exchanging board condenser”, the opening regulator and other core patent technical.
  • 優越系統

    Superior system


    Moreover, DGS experimental machine adopts the same control system as DG series . The control system is developed by Japanese Kyowa and all the interfaces has been translated to be Chinese.
  • 用途廣泛

    Has many uses


    DGS series is the pint-sized lyophilizer with same function as the big machine, even it has some unique functions. So besides the lyophilizing experiments, the experimental lyophilizer also can be used in the field of archaeology, bioengineering, space material and other high technology, and the small batch production is also available.


Besides the main standard specification, for meeting the customers' special requirement, we also supply the selective components.

共晶點測試儀(電阻測定裝置)Eutectic tester (resistance testing device )

放氣空氣篩檢程式Air filter

停電自動閥Auto-valve for power-failure

將6點記錄儀改成12點記錄儀Recorder upgrading (From the 6 points to 12 points)

氮氣導入閥Nitrogen inlet valve

計量器類的校正Calibration of all the measuring instrument