



Medical type lyophilizer上海共和真空技術有限公司


Vacuum freeze-dried pharmaceutical industry applications
Such as : Bioengineering, Bioproduct( vaccine ,blood products, modernization
of Chinese traditional medicine antibiotics, veterinary drugs , health care foodand so on.


Vacuum freeze-dried freeze-dried product features excellent characteristics are summarized as follows:

  • 將藥品在冷凍的狀態下乾燥,從而可以保持藥品乾燥前的形狀。
    冷凍乾燥因為是先將冷凍特固定在早期形態下,接著只是把水分像“象煙一樣”抽掉,所以能把乾燥前的形狀 (形狀、內部、成分、結構分佈)保留下來。

    Dry the products under the freezed state in order to keep the shape of the products after the lyophilizing .
    The first step of lyophilization is to freeze the product to keep its’ original shape ,then remove the water like pumping the smoke out , so the original state(shape, inner ingredient, construction ) can be kept after lyophilizing.
    Evaporation drying is to boil the products to dry , so the phenomenon of shrinkage, foam rising and the solvent moving to the surface form the membrane (surface hardening) would be there., Not only the figure but also the inner structure can not keep the initial shape.

  • 復原性優良
    冷凍乾燥會形成非常優異的多孔物質(porous),在冰被昇華了以後,會產生無數細小的縫隙,直達芯 ]部。在注水以後就會象海綿一樣,非常地好,非常快地恢復原狀。普通的乾燥,注水後不能充分復原,在這一點上是有很大差別的。保持它原來的樣子。

    The good performance of restorability:
    Lyophilization can form the excellent porous substance, after the ice sublimation , there would be numerous fine apertures which reach to the core of the substance ,which is just like the cotton. After dissolving, thelyophilized substance can restitute quickly and perfectly.As for the normal drying, the proper restitution cannot be achieved after the dissolving which is a huge difference.